
Monday, August 22, 2011

Guest Post: Lindsey aka The Bargain Blonde

I have a super, special treat for you today that I just know you’re going to LOVE! Lindsey {The Bargain Blonde} is here guest posting for moi! Can you believe it? Neither can I. I can’t even tell you how much I adore this girl and her blog! Not only does she manage to crack me up in every post {literally, every one}, but she’s a total beauty, and has the most GENIUS bargain finds! Sure, I consider myself pretty frugal and love a good steal, but this girl knows it all! She finds amazing deals/ideas for everything – I’m talking make-up, home decor, organization, recipes, fashion, you name it! Oh yeah, and she blogs about her lovely Dallas lifestyle…  she even just scored herself a stellar townhouse! It’s no wonder I live vicariously through her :) So, without further ado, take it away Lindsey!


Hello Life is a Sunset fans!  I'm Lindsey aka The Bargain Blonde, and I blog about living the fab life on a budget.  Isn't Chelsea the sweetest and the prettiest?  She's definitely one of my faves out here in the ole blog-o-sphere, and so when she asked for a guest post, I couldn't wait to oblige. I'm actually a fairly new blogger, but in a few weeks I will celebrate my 1 year anniversary of blogging.  Yay!


Unlike Chelsea, I got a really slow start blogging because I had no clue what I was doing.  Then I didn't get super serious about blogging until around January and that's when my addiction for blogging was born.  Chelsea is already doing a fabo job blogging, but I thought I'd offer a few tips that I've learned along the way. I don't consider myself a blogging expert by any means as I am still learning, these are just the top 5 things that have worked for me as I developed my little blog:

1. Find your voice.

All of my "In Real Life" (IRL) friends who read my blog always tell me they love that when they read my blog because they can hear me when they read it. Biggest. Compliment. Ever.  Just be the best version of you, don't try to write like anyone else or be anyone else.

2. Build blogger relationships

If you would have told me I'd meet the amazing girls I've met through blogging, I wouldn't have believed you.  These girls have changed my life and completely inspire me each and every day. Any blogger can attest to the amazing community we have.  Make sure you build and maintain your blogging relationships. 

3. Develop good content

It takes a while to get rolling because you need good content.  This semi goes along with finding your voice, but when you first start out, write as though you're writing to a ton of readers.  And write stuff you'd want to read yourself. I always think would I want to read this?  If not, then I won't write it.

4. Write often

Self-explanatory.  It's pretty crazy how much blog post ideas take over my thoughts. I'm always thinking up what new topics I can blog about. I recently bought a calendar from the Dollar Store that I plan my blog posts out on, which helps me stay on track. Any time I get an idea I write it down because if I don't, I'll forget.  I try my best to blog Monday through Friday, but that doesn't always happen.

5. Social Network Your Blog [via]

I didn't start Tweeting until a few months ago and I made a Facebook page just a few weeks ago.  Social networking helps build your brand, get in touch with those blog friends I mentioned already and promote yourself for free.  Do. It. And that concludes my top 5 blogging tips, thanks for having me Chels! I hope you ladies found them semi-useful and informative!  Whatever you do, if you love to blog then keep it up and do what makes you happy.  Eventually you'll find success.  Promise.  What are your top blogging tips for newbies starting out?


Like I said, she’s a genius! You’re pretty much guaranteed to always learn something new in her posts. Lindsey is living proof that with a love for blogging and some hard work and dedication, you can go far! Thanks, Linds for all the awesome tips! I know I’ve definitely taken them all to heart {and I’m sure I’m not the only one!} :)

So, go do yourself a favor and head over to The Bargain Blonde if you haven’t already, and before you know it, you’ll be a bargainista too :)


Hot Pink Combat Boots said...

Hi Lindsey!

Great tips - but I have question on your facebook comment. Did you create your first facebook page, or did you create one just for your blog? I've been hesitant to link my personal facebook page with my blog. There is still a level of privacy to maintain when putting your thoughts online.

If you made a fb page for your blog only, how is that different than just blogging? Sorry - 50 questions here.

Anonymous said...

Great post :) I am trying to become a blogger, hoping I can keep up with it once the fall semester gets started and I found this to be good advice. And I seriously love your blog, Chels!

Lindsey said...

I'm glad you had me guest blog, thanks so much! And thanks for all of those sweet words ... you are the best Chels!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Lindsey! This is great advice. :)

Anonymous said...

greattttttt post of course because lindsey is one of my fav bloggers (and so are you chels!)

i totally agree with each and every item on here! another thing i think is important is to comment, and comment ALOT. this helps with building relationships with other bloggers and helps get your name and link out there. i wish i had time to comment nowadays, but i dont because of this immigration nightmare, but most of my readers know this and still keep up with me anyways...it is so awesome and im appreciative for each and every person.

i definitely think posting alot is important just as you mentioned! one thing i think can help newer bloggers is learning the benefits of scheduled posts! you still want to share whats on your mind, but scheduling posts can eliminate dead silence from your blog on days you want to relax from the blogosphere and give you those days you're inspired to make up for the days youre not!

Denise said...

Oh my gosh! I just found your blog and I love it! I'm so happy to be your newest follower :)


P! said...

Can't wait to read more on her blog! Thanks for the recommendation! :)

Sophie @ threetimesf said...

Hi Lindsey!

Great post, and tips :) I'll be over to check your blog out in uno momento! I've been blogging for a few months now, but am only just starting to find my stride so you were a great help :)

Great guest posts this week!