
Monday, October 14, 2013

Two Lessons On Living Fearlessly

This week is a big one for me. It really is. I wanted to start the week off by reflecting back on a class that I started four Mondays ago. It was a class/workshop that I felt compelled to sign up for. I knew I was going to learn so much from it and knew, deep down, how badly I needed that wisdom and guidance.

The workshop was taught by Gabby Bernstein, whom many of you know by now, is a wonderful spiritual thought leader who has helped me tremendously through her books and workshops. This workshop in particular was about living fearlessly. Removing the fear from our lives and making room to empower ourselves to have beautiful, genuine, fearless relationships!

Well, I didn't know it at the time but the day the workshop began ended up being the day when I needed guidance on living fearlessly the most, as you'll read more about tomorrow.

In just the three-week span of this workshop, I identified my fears. You know, the fears that are buried beneath so many layers you don't even realize they are there. They have just become a part of you.

Between amazing meditations that brought me to tears (I know. What doesn't bring me to tears?), thought-provoking homework exercises, and pages and pages of notes, I'm not able to sum it all up for you. But, I can tell you this:

"The Universe can do for you what you cannot do for yourself."

Just sit and reflect on that for a moment. Think about a time when something beyond your control was put into motion for you. When a door closed or opened when maybe you least expected it to but needed it most. The Universe continues to make things happen in your best interest if you allow it. And then there are the relationships in your life, the people you meet which leads me to another of Gabby's points and a huge lesson in A Course In Miracles:

"Relationships are Assignments"

I was overcome this weekend, thinking about the people I've met here in California. The people I talked to for just a few moments and the people who have now become some of my greatest friends. They each impacted my life, however big or small.

Go back now in your mind and think about the people in your life. Even just this past year of your life. Think about the people, the relationships, and how they've impacted you, how they've taught you something. It's really pretty incredible and it makes me so grateful to know and understand and trust that people will be brought into my life for a reason. They each have something different to teach us.

It's a beautiful, beautiful thing when you see it that way. It really is :)


Amanda aka Manda said...

Such a beautiful post. I've been thinking about the same thing in regards to relationships lately!

LittleMissSCB said...

This is such a beautiful post. Thanks for sharing Gabby's link with us. I'm going through self reflection at the moment and looking for positive things right now. Thanks again ♥

Devon said...

I'm so sad to hear you are moving, but I know you are on to good things. It was great getting to meet you out here in SD. I wish you all the best on your next chapter!

Maura said...

this gives me chills! i love the relationships are assignments one. i'm going to be thinking about that one for a while!

Stephanie said...

Thanks for sharing this! I needed to read this today with some of the relationships in my life right now. :)