
Sunday, November 4, 2012

All Cats Go to Heaven

As the clocks turned back early this morning, God gave me another angel. My sweet cat Missy of sixteen years now joins my mom.

Missy was old and within the past few weeks, I just knew she wasn't doing well. Her weight plummeted. She was barely eating and spent most of her time with her head on the water bowl. I had noticed her labored breathing and Friday night saw that it had gotten worse. She seemed desperate for air as she had to start opening her mouth for oxygen. She seemed better the next morning.

But Saturday night, I got home and took one look at her. She wasn't okay. Her tongue was hanging out of her mouth as she gasped for air. I could see it in her eyes. I laid there on the floor with her, not knowing what to do, feeling helpless. In all honesty, I thought she might die there in my arms as I cried.

After rushing her to the pet emergency room, the vet confirmed that Missy was in critical condition and that her prognosis would not be good. X-Rays showed a large amount of fluid surrounding her lungs and after looking at the fluid, the doctor predicted this was heart disease leading to congestive heart failure.

My heart ached. I picked Missy out of her litter when I was in fifth grade after years and years of begging for a kitten. She was my little girl and was there through all phases of my life. I always feared the day when I'd have to say goodbye. And there I was, at 2:00am in the emergency room with my cat hooked up to oxygen, knowing that in mere minutes I'd have to say goodbye.

I sat there on the cold surface, listening to a dog whimper in the back room, being faced with the reality of death again this year. The reality of how quickly such a big part of your life can be taken.

"Say your last goodbyes."

The absolute worst phrase that can be said in your lifetime. There is nothing, and I mean nothing, as difficult as that. Those last moments.

Nothing will replace Missy.

Finding her in the silliest places as a baby kitten.

The mornings I'd wake up to her "making biscuits" on my back.

The loud rumble that I'd hear as she purred next to me.

Turning around to see her doing "the squirrel."

Being total goofballs together.

Our sweet "see you laters" when I'd cry at the thought of being without her...

But most of all, I'll just miss Missy. My sweet, little kitty.


Jenn said...

Chelsea, I'm so sorry....I can only imagine how difficult this is and my heart goes out to you. Pets are amazing animals that bring wonderful things to our lives. Your sweet kitty will always have a pawprint in your heart. I'm sure she'll be near you or curled up with you wherever you are from now on.
Sending you lots of hugs!

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear about your loss. Losing a fur baby is so hard. I will pray for you. Hugs from Texas

Katrin said...

I am so so so sorry for your loss! It is so hard to say goodbye to a beloved pet. They are family members. Your cat is with your mom now,so are my pets that passed away. I know that my mom is taking care of them. I am thinking of you!

Kasey said...

oh my heart aches for you right now, and I'm sitting here with tears rolling down my cheeks. I am so so sorry you had to say goodbye to sweet Missy. Losing a pet is like losing a family member, it hurts so much, but you're right....all cats DO go to Heaven :) may her sweet soul rest in peace <3

Tammy @ Lemons, Avocados and the Bay said...

Aw friend, this makes me so sad. :( Hang in there friend... I'm thinking of you. xoxo

Savanah said...

I am so so sorry Chelsea. My cat Cotton passed away of the same thing this past March, but he was only 6. Missy is in Heaven with your mom and my kitty Cotton. They're playing and all healthy now. And we will see them all again someday! HUGS!!

Danielle said...

I'm so, so sorry for your loss! I lost my dog a few weeks ago and I know how it feels. Its so awful but at least she isn't in pain anymore. I hope your doing okay :/

Amanda said...

I'm so sorry for your loss :( Prayers for you

Alisha said...

Aww no. I'm so sorry. I know how you feel. I adored my red dachund pup that I got when I was six. She was the best dog in the world. So many great memories with her. But as time went on we found out that she had cancer. And my senior year in high school she died in my arms… I'll always believe that all dogs and cats really do go to Heaven. :)

Heidi said...

I'm so, so sorry Chelsea. It sounds like she had an amazing 16 years with you. Saying goodbye to pets is so difficult. I know how painful it can be. At least she is no longer in pain as is in peace.

Brooke said...

Sorry. You do have beautiful pictures and memories to cherish.
Rip Kitty.


Kate said...

Aww, Chelsea this just broke my heart. I am so sorry to hear about Missy. I remember how hard it was for you to leave her when you moved to Utah. Definitely keeping you in my thoughts <3

Anonymous said...

Your post made me cry. I am so sorry for your loss! I picked out my cat Nicki when I was in 8th grade. She's currently 12 and I'm dreading the day down the road, hopefully many years from now though. Like I said on Twitter, Gizmo will show Missy the ropes! =)

Holly said...

I'm so sorry, friend. I can't even imagine what that's like and I dread the day I have to hear "those words" about any of my pets :/ Sending you lots of love and hugs!! xoxo

Anonymous said...

:( so sad! I'm sorry to hear about this. I saw your tweets over the weekend and wasn't sure what was going on. Thinking of you! :)

Carolyn said...

I'm so sorry for your loss Chelsea!! :(

Anonymous said...

Aw, I'm so sorry!

Katie Did What said...

Awww, sweetie, I cried throughout this post. Such a sweet tribute to Missy!!!

Lots of hugs to you, Chelsea!


Lauren Nicole said...

This brings tears to my eyes. I know how pets quickly become members of your family! Praying for you during this time.. You will see Missy again.. Until then, she and your mom will be watching you.. ever so proudly! :)

xo, oolalalauren.

tara said...

oh girl, this just breaks my heart. pets become a part of the family and it is devastating to lose them even if they lived a long life. i'm sure your mom is loving her company in heaven though! <3

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for your loss. :(

Kristin said...

heart aches reading this. I havent recovered since having to put my childhood cat down. too much pain

Kristen said...

What a beautiful little lady. I am sorry for your loss. She seemed just fantastic.

Raquel said...
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Raquel said...

Awww Chelsea i'm so sorry :( I shed a few tears reading this post.

keeping you in my prayers girly