
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Stairway to Heaven

I think I’m obsessed with stairs. Climbing stairs, looking at stairs, seeing stairs in movies. I don’t know what it is. They are just dreamy.

So, today while I’m linking up with The Vintage Apple for Oh, How Pinteresting Wednesday I thought I’d share some of my snazzy stairway finds with you.

I found random stairs. Stairs I would never want to climb, swirly stairs, floating stairs, neon stairs…

Source: tumblr.com via Nick on Pinterest


And, I found a million sets of staircases that I love and wouldn’t mind having in my future home. Here are some of my favorites:



Did you notice the animal print carpet on that last one? Can’t say I’ve ever seen that before!

I could go on and on but I don’t want to bore you with endless pictures of stairs (no matter how exhilarating that sounds to ME!) I assure you, pretty soon I’m just going to have to create a board on Pinterest dedicated strictly to staircases. Sigh.

I’d love to hear which staircase is your favorite! Am I the only one with this obsession? Anyway, go link up and show off your latest pins :)


C Mae said...

I love grand staircases that are long and wrap around. the one with the Chandelier is perfect!

Lauren said...

I love staircases too... Though after living in a ranch-style home I would be okay not having stairs in my house - ever. I can appreciate their beauty though :) One of the homes we visited in the HomeFest here in Norman had leopard carpet on the stairs up to the bonus room. Jon hated it but I kind of really loved it, it just "worked" with the house, you know?

Kristy said...

First off, you are TOO cute and I LOVE all the stairs! My mom had her stair case tiled in her house and I almost slip down them every time I wear heels..ha! They look great though!

JMB said...

I am finally venturing over to your blog!! It is sooo cute!! My favorite is the second one, that is just amazing how they have done that! I have a confession: I have been on Pinterest ALL morning at work....ok well not all morning.....{yes I have} haha

Katie said...

I second Jess' comment haha I love them ALL but I do like the big grand one with the chandelier :) gorggggggg!!!

Ashley Slater said...

I love the HUGE staircases, have you seen the ones where the planks open up for storage? awesome idea. also, those stairs that are just planks coming out of the wall? I would get so dizzy walking up those!!!

Sara said...

I am totally obsessed with stairs too!! Always have been always will be...AND lofts/upstairs/under the staircases...Someday I will have my two story house!! :) LOVE this post!! Following you from Pinteresting Wednesdays....would love for you to come by my blog sometime soon! ;)

Young and Fabulous said...

staircases are SO cool! the grander the better! but i really love the animal print one at the bottom...that screams me

i think having a staircase that is awesome will be required when I buy a house (whenever that may be)

wanna design it for me?!


Mama’s Minute said...

Gorgeous! I love all of the staircases!

Savanah said...

I love the bright orange stairs with the blue walls!

K_stets said...

That first set of stairs in insane! But I want them....or all of the ones in the pictures.

Courtney said...

Wow, those first set of stairs are crazy!! I definitely agree that I would never want to climb them!

I love the first set of "good" stairs painted aqua...they are so cute!

Nicole Marie said...

i would be terrified climbing those stairs with no railing.
obsessed with the coral stairs though

Anonymous said...

there is nothing i love more than a grand staircase in a lovely home =]

Suzzie Vehrs said...

haha I love that you love stairs. that's cute. I like the ones that are neon!! so cool!

Leeann @ Join the Gossip said...

OK I have a weird confession...I am afraid of stairs lol! But just the ones that aren't solid like the 3rd and 6th pictures. I know, I'm weird. I think it's because I am terrified of heights. All of the other staircases are beautiful though!

Lindsay @ Delighted Momma said...

Woaa woaaa!! ALL of these are amazing!! I think the wooden ones are my favorite! That would be pretty awesome to have stairs like in my house for sure!


Sarah Grecco said...

Ya know, I never thought about stairs until this blog post. Now, I kind of think they are dreamy too! Who knew??!!

I'm a fellow Virginia girl too! Yay!

Get Up & Go

ashlyn | nicole said...

WOW chels! i love this post.
stairs are pretty amazing -- so many different kinds.

your imagination is amazing! so inspired.

Alisha said...

LOVE that second staircase! I have that same picture on my Pinterest board too. Just lovely.


Autumn @ Autumn All Along said...

I am a classic stair lover...I love the white railing and the hard wood stairs. Crown molding is nice too :)

Michelle said...

These pictures are beautiful!!! Who knew there were so many stairs??? I love the first ones in wood! Those are amazing!!!

Thank you so much for linking up for Oh, How Pinteresting! I hope you do it again next week!!!!

Michelle @ The Vintage Apple

Mariel Torres said...

the first two look like they would be quite the adventure to climb hehe... but the rest are so gorgeous! specially the spiral ones :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Chelsea, I'm a new reader and I love your blog! :D

I've always loved stairs too so when I saw this post, I knew I had to comment!

My favorites are the spiral ones and the big breezy white one with the giant chandelier and doors open to the outside.

My dream house would have a big cherrywood spiral staircase and a giant domed library with rolling ladders (not stairs, but close).

Your blog is great! Please check out mine: opinionsareimmunity.blogspot.com