I've talked about it many times before here but I've been reading The Daily Love emails each day for over two years now. Mastin Kipp is the author and founder of TDL and I found him just a few months before the two hardest trials of my life. Through his emails in my inbox daily, I started seeing how I could turn those trials into something positive, and because of that, through a whole lot of work and personal growth, I turned my life into being greater than it had ever been before.
I decided it was time to make my dreams a reality. I moved to San Diego. I found my true self. And most importantly, I found my purpose and my decision to become a professional life coach has been the most rewarding decision yet.
Life has truly been beautiful and Mastin has been a huge light over these years, guiding me there through his insightful, eye-opening, inspirational real-life emails. (If you're not already a Daily Lover, go on over here to sign up today! Who knows? Maybe your life will be changed too!)
So, on a brisk Wednesday afternoon, I headed to a brick building on O Street to help set up for a night of Kundalini Yoga and some powerful awakening and empowerment led by Mastin himself through his Kipp Heart Therapy that he introduced to us. The studio with the sun beaming down onto the old, hardwood floors set a beautiful scene for what was about to become a studio filled with positive vibes and incredible people.
There were massage lines going on, a whole lot of yoga, Love Grace came all the way from NYC to share their absolutely amazing raw, organic, cold-pressed juice with us (their Probiotic Smoothie is one of my favorites!), and of course… Mastin wowed us with his wisdom. There were so many truly powerful and touching moments as we opened up to each other and most importantly, to ourselves.
The world is a beautiful place filled with beautiful people. Now, here were some of my biggest take-aways:
"Fear is a biological reaction to uncertainty." Boom.
"Don't make a circumstance your identity." Boom.
And so much more… perhaps this deserves a separate post?
Mastin, you're the man. Thank you for all that you're doing. I'm so grateful that I had the opportunity to help out, hang out and chat (even if he's got jokes about our height difference :) It was a stellar night!
Here's to never giving up on your dreams, to us all being a drop of the Divine, serving others, and always listening to your heart!
I am so grateful for the path my life has taken and the wonderful surprises like this one that happen so perfectly. And I'm even more grateful that I now get to work in this beautiful field of self development, to guide others to live their own purpose and find peace, bliss, and love!
Shoot me an email if you're ready to make some awesome shifts to live your truest, happiest life! I'd love to be your life coach! chelsea.lifeisasunset@gmail.com
I actually signed up for TDL because of what you said about it! My boyfriend and I love it!
Thats awesome!
You know me - Loved reading this! Expand some more on what was discussed! I've love to hear more! Hope everything is going good in FL!
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